Empire Settlement Funding

Questions Most People Have About Their Injury Case

Why does it take so long to see any money from a lawsuit?

If you are the victim or the plaintiff in a lawsuit you probably have probably looked up the following questions. Most injury victims waiting to get paid from a settlement have to wait years to see any money.

How do I get my settlement money faster?

Can I get my money before my case is settled?

What are some companies that let you borrow money from lawsuits?

How do I get settlement money now?

Can my lawyer loan me money and I’ll pay him back if I win?

At Empire Settlement Funding, we can get you some of your settlement money by tomorrow once we get some legal paperwork back from your attorney and evaluate your case.

Sometimes injury victims will be forced to settle for a smaller amount because the insurance companies know the longer you have to wait, the less you will will take. This is another reason getting a loan against your settlement is good because have some of that lawsuit money now will allow to let your lawyer work to get you the largest settlement you deserve.