Empire Settlement Funding

Will Your Injury Case Go To Court?

The majority of lawsuits filed arising from injuries and accidents don’t even go to court. Most of the time they settle early in the legal process through a negotiated settlement. Sometimes the party your are suing
tries to low-ball you on this settlement so they don’t have to go to court. That’s where pre settlement funding comes in to play. If you take the low-ball offer because you are desperate for money, then the insurance companies have won. Their job is to pay you the lowest amount possible and they stall on purpose because they know the more desperate you are for money while you are injured, the more you are going to settle quickly.



If you have money while you are waiting, then your legal team can have the time to get you a larger settlement in most cases.

If you are thinking about the settlement of a claim after an accident or injury, or if you have received an offer of settlement from the other side, you should talk to a lawyer. It is important to get his thorough review of the case and opinion on the likelihood of settlement. At the meeting with your lawyer, you should consider and discuss the following points:

How Strong Is The Case


Awards, Damages and Money

What your lawyer can be worthwhile in a range of dollar amounts and what they think could do better damage in court proceedings,
The minimum amount  agreed to whatever the case, avoid trial,
Plan limited coverage of the defendant, and
IMF resources from the defender.

Questions to the person being sued.

The benefits of the amount will be applied for attorneys’ fees and costs you. In most injury cases, is paid with contingency fees meaning that you do not have to pay attorney’s fee unless you are successful at trial or there is a settlement in your favor;

Consider what you’re willing to give up in order to get the case settled. Usually, there must be some give and take on the part of the plaintiff and defendant to negotiate a settlement that both sides will accept;
Think about the possibility of a partial settlement. In other words, settle the easy issues first while you continue to negotiate the more difficult ones; and
Decide whether you are willing to accept a remedy other than money;