Get An Advance On A Lawsuit Settlement

By |November 27th, 2015|

Lawsuit Cash Advance and Pre Settlement Funding If you plan to file a lawsuit or have already filed a lawsuit for an injuy case, auto accident, or any personal injury case, you will have to wait months or years before your case is settled and see any kind of payment. We help people all over the country get advances on their lawsuit settlements especially in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut. Don't wait!! Call us now! If you have no other source of income, the waiting will create a financial burden for you and your family. Empire [...]

Cash Advance On Pending Settlement

By |October 8th, 2012|

When you have been waiting a long time for your pending injury settlement or lawsuit judgement, a cash advance could get you the cash you need right away. Insurance companies make money by making you wait. They know this. By waiting, you may  be willing to take a lower settlement because you have no money for bills while you are injured. Why wait and suffer? You can get cash for your bills while you wait for the insurance company or jury to decide your case. Is this cash advance on a pending settlement a loan? No. It's not a loan, [...]