Pre Settlement Funding Helping You

By |June 27th, 2017|

If you need money because you have been out of work while waiting on your injury case to move forward, then we can actually give you an advance on your settlement even if your case is still pending. You don't have to pay it back if you don't win or settle your case out of court. It's a way to get money before your pending lawsuit or case is settled. Some call this a cash advance on a lawsuit or lawsuit loans. How does does settlement funding work. Let's say that you have been injured in an auto accident. You [...]

Will Lawyers let you borrow money Against Your Settlement?

By |February 2nd, 2017|

This is a popular questions that arises when you need money while your case is pending.  Your attorney is not allowed to lend you money while waiting for your case to settle. From car wrecks to malpractice,  we can help you get the funds you need while waiting for your case to settle. Pre settlement funding or "lawsuit loans" are not considered loans because if you don't win your case or finalize a settlement, then you don't have to pay us back. It's like getting free money. Related articles Pre Settlement Funding Massachusetts Lawsuit Settlement Loan: Get Cash While You [...]